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17 Jan

Authentic Movement Training Program

About Program

Over the past decades, the movement practice known as Authentic Movement has become increasingly well known. It is practiced by people at various levels of physical skill, dance, or movement training and for diverse purposes. Dance therapists use it as a mode of therapy; choreographers and other artists use it as a resource for images and movement material; some use it as a dance-movement practice valued for its kinesthetic insights; some use it as a form of movement meditation or group ritual for personal and spiritual enrichment. Many uses form of combinations of these. (Daphne Lowell)

Inspirees Authentic Movement Training Program includes facilitator training courses, retreats, seminars, expert dialogues, and thematic workshops. The target trainee groups are:

  • Practitioners who are engaged in therapy, counseling, education, coaching, etc. in the field of mind-body studies and want to enhance their professional skills and core competitiveness.
  • Practitioners who are interested in expanding their mind-body awareness and gaining more insight into self and relationships.


Authentic Movement Training is a practice that starts from the body’s true nature and is full of ineffable and mysterious power. Its foundational forms – the mover and the witness – may seem simple, but they contain the complex dynamics of multiple levels of self and other, seeing and being seen, movement and stillness. These two roles contain the multi-oriented work of the inner self, the moving self, and the moving witness.

What is acquired through the practice of authentic movement allows us to internally stabilize our bodies and minds in a rapidly changing world, increase our adaptability, resilience, and creativity in response to our circumstances, and reach out to the places that support us in having a better life.

Whether it is a career path or a personal growth journey, Authentic Movement is a practice that lasts a lifetime for the practitioner. The Training Network of Authentic Movement that Inspirees has built, in its various forms, is not only a program that develops qualified leaders to facilitate Authentic Movement practice groups; more importantly, it is a fertile ground for practitioners to continue to refine themselves under the auspices of experienced instructors with strong compassion and holding power; and it is an important building block for the establishment of a community of Chinese practitioners of Authentic Movement.

The facilitator training program has officially started on April 22, 2022 with online format. The modular program is taught by Marcia Plevin and Rosa Maria Govoni. Module 1 (Ground Form) consists of 40 hours plus 10 hours of supervision, totaling 50 hours. Maximum 8 students were admitted into the first cohort.

Participants who apply for this training program are required to start with a preparation module first or pass the personal interview.


About Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement is a contemplative embodied practice of exploring one’s self through body movement developed in the United States by Mary Stark Whitehouse (1960’s) expanded and deepened by the studies and work of Joan Chodorow and Janet Adler. Three basic threads create the weave of this practice: To Move – the mover. To be Seen – the witness, and the Relationship between them.

Origins of the practice belong to the natural need of the infant to be seen and supported with love at the moment of birth. As adults, we too have a longing to be seen to be who we are in relationship to a loving compassionate non-judgmental other. Overtime within the sacred space of the practice the mover now moving in a collective senses connection of oneself to the larger reality of unity consciousness, being connected to the whole.

Authentic Movement with its roots in dance movement therapy is used in clinical settings in psychotherapy, for training therapists, in supervision, in educational and creative venues and for spiritual growth practice.  From its beginnings in the United States, it is now taught and practiced in countries around the world.



Final talk by Janet Adler: Witness Consciousness and Forgiveness, hosted by WAEF2023




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Upcoming events

 1. [Facilitator Training Program] Retreat 

  • Date: 2nd-5th November 2023
  • Place: In-person, China
  • Instructor: Marcia Plevin


2. [Workshop] Jung, Dreams & Body

  • Time: 11th November 2023, 8-11:30pm (EDT)
  • Place: Online, Zoom
  • Instructor: Dr. Tina Stromsted


3. [Workshop] Clinical Application of Authentic Movement

  • Date: 12th-14th January 2024
  • Place: In-person, China
  • Instructor: Joan Wittig


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