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Inspirees Institute Course Plan (2024-2025)

February 9, 2024 - October 31, 2025

Course Plan of Inspirees Institute (February 2024 on)

Updated every month


In 2024, Inspirees Institute will launch rich programs in the fields of arts and somatics, in online and in-person format. See the course schedule during 2024-2025 and click for details. For overview of Inspirees certification programs, short courses and personal growth workshop, go to our training page. Contact education@inspirees.com for any inquiry.

Dance Therapy





9th Cohort Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT): DMT with Children (3) A1

Certification training, in-person, China

April 12-15

Rosa Maria Govoni

9th Cohort Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT): Group Process A4

Certification training, in-person, China

June 6-11

Joan Wittig

10th Cohort Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT): Develope experience awareness B2

Certification training, in-person, China

June 14-17

Joan Wittig

9th Cohort Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT): Empathy and Resistance A2

Certification training, in-person, China

September 7-10

Cara A. Gallo

10th Cohort Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT): Improvisation B4 Certification training, in-person, China September 13-16 Cara A. Gallo
DMT for People with Personality Disorder Workshop, online March 16 Simon Kleinlooh
The Nature of Embodiment Workshop, online April Susan Bauer
Moving Kinship Skills: Psychotherapy and choreography Workshop, online April Dr. Beatrice Allegranti
Decision-making through Action: Exploring professional identity and transformation Workshop, online September 21-22 Dr. Thania Acaron
Develop somatic psychotherapy Workshop, online October 18 Ruella Frank
DMT in Family Workshop, online November Barbara Nordstrom-Loeb



Creative Movement







Series Course of Creative Movement| Garcìa-Plevin Method® 1

Workshop, online

March 17

Marcia Plevin


Series Course of Creative Movement| Garcìa-Plevin Method® 2


Workshop, online

April 7

Maria Elena


Series Course of Creative Movement| Garcìa-Plevin Method® 3


Workshop, online

April 28

 Marcia Plevin


Series Course of Creative Movement| Garcìa-Plevin Method® 4


Workshop, online

May 19

 Marcia Plevin


Series Course of Mettler skills


Workshop, online

May 8/15/22/29

Dr. Mary Ann Breham



Laban/Bartenifeff Movement Studies





3rd Cohort LBMS: Module 2B

Certification training, in-person, China

February 14-22

Karen Studd & Cat Maguire

2nd Cohort LBMS: Module 3B

Certification training, in-person, China

February 24- March 2

Karen Studd & Cat Maguire

Reshape your pedagogy using four major themes

Workshop, Online

June 22

Alexandra Beller

Laban Movement Studies – History, Applications and Frontiers (Season 1)

Webinars, video recordings

Unlimited Access

Karen K. Bradley,
Karen Studd,
Hilary Bryan,
Barbara Nordstrom-Loeb



Authentic Movement 

Course Format Date Instructor
Retreat  In-person, China April 19-22 Rosa Maria Govoni
Retreat   In-person, China October Marcia Plevin



Creative Arts Therapies (Others)





Expressive Arts Therapy:
Theory and Practice (part 1)

Certification training, in-person, China

April 19-21

Dr. Vivien Marcow Speiser & Phillip Speiser

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Theory and Practice (part 2)

Certification training, online

May 12 – August 4, every Sunday

Dr. Keren Shechter

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Group Process (part 1)

Certification training, in-person, China

August 10-18

Dr. Ara Parker

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Group Process (part 2)

Certification training, online

 September 8 – December 1, every Sunday

Dr. Ara Parker

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Art Studio (part 1)

Certification training, in-person, China

February 14-24, 2025

Dr. Michal Lev

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Art Studio (part 2)

Certification training, online

 March 9 – May 25, 2025,  every Sundayv

Dr. Michal Lev

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Applications (part 1)

Certification training, in-person, China

June 27-30, 2025

Dr. Yousef AlAjarma

Expressive Arts Therapy:
Applications (part 2)

Certification training, online

July 13-September 28, 2025, every Sunday

Dr. Yousef AlAjarma

EAT method applied in Affinity

Workshop, online


Dr. Michal Lev

Beyond Singing, Freeing YOUR Voice through Sound Healing 

Workshop, online

May 25

Silvia Nakkach

Core Theoretical and Practical Foundations of Art Therapy

Workshop, online

July 20

Dr. Michael Franklin

Transpersonal art therapy

Workshop, online

 July 27

Dr. Michael Franklin

Introduction to Expressive Art Therapy

Video recordings

Unlimited Access

Dr. Michal Lev

An Introduction to Music Therapy

Video recordings

Unlimited Access

Dr. Annie Heiderscheit


February 9
October 31, 2025